Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 County Board Organizational Meeting

Board Chair Jan Hall and Commissioners Heidi Doo-Kirk, Garry Gamble, Sue Hakes and Bruce Martinson were all present for the Board's Annual Organizational Meeting on Tuesday, January 7.  Also present were County Administrator Jay Kieft, County Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers, and Acting County Attorney Molly Hicken.

Election of 2014 Board Chair and Vice Chair
Commissioners Jan Hall and Bruce Martinson were re-elected to the Chair and Vice-Chair positions respectively.

Public Comment
No member of the Public came before the County Board.

The Board approved travel and mileage reimbursements, designated the Agricultural Inspector, set 2014 Board Meeting dates and added Commissioner Hall to the WTIP interview schedule for the year.  In addition, the Board formally approved the 2014 levy and non-county levy resolutions as well as the legal newspaper resolution.

Citizen Appointments
The County Board made citizen appointments as follows:

Library Board:  Audry Stattelman
Economic Development Authority (EDA) Board:  Howard Hedstrom
Revolving Loan Fund:  Pat Campanaro, Bruce Kerfoot, Scott Harrison (pending EDA approval)
Water Plan:  Neil Hansen, Chuck Futterer
Planning Commission:  Stanley Tull, David Seaton
Board of Adjustment:  Jerry Hiniker, Stanley Tull

THANK YOU to all volunteer citizens!  You are making a difference!!

Commissioner Appointments to Boards, Committees, Commissions
The County Board negotiated and agreed on Commissioner appointments to the various boards, committees and commissions.  In general, most assignments remained intact. Once the list is finalized and retyped, it will be posted on this blog.

-  The Board formally approved the Commissioner Per Diem & Expense Policy that was approved in June 2013.
-  Commissioner Hakes reported to the Board the success of the YMCA Grand Opening noting that memberships exceeded 400 units and 800 individual members.  Doo-Kirk, Martinson and Hakes all participated in the YMCA Grand Opening.
-  The County Board will participate in a Board Retreat to discuss how best to organize and move forward in 2014.  County Administrator Kieft will lead this effort.
-  The Board authorized moving forward with customer service training for all employees.

Meeting Minutes
A complete copy of meeting minutes may be obtained by calling the County Administrator's Office at 218/387-3602 or by going to the Cook County Website.  A video of this meeting may be viewed at Boreal.TV.