Tuesday, January 29, 2013

January 29, 2013 County Board Meeting: EDA Board Appointee, USFS/County Land Exchange, YMCA Construction

Board Chair Jan Hall, along with Commissioners Heidi Doo-Kirk, Garry Gamble, Sue Hakes and Bruce Martinson were all present for today's County Board of Commissioners Meeting.  Also present were Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers and Personnel Director/Board Secretary Janet Simonen.

Public Comment
No member of the Public opted to speak before the County Board.

Maintenance Department
The Board approved the purchase of two vehicles as requested by Maintenance Director Brian Silence:  F150 Truck and Ford Escape for $23,509 and $25,591 respectively.  These vehicles will be paid for from the County Car Fund which Braidy Powers reported has a current balance of $108,000.

Cook County/Grand Marais Economic Development Authority Board (EDA)
The County Board reviewed resumes and interviewed two good candidates for an open position on the EDA Board.  Both candidates---Abby Saunders Tofte and Andrew Warren---answered several questions for the County Board.  After some discussion, the Board appointed Abby Tofte as the new county representative on the EDA Board.  It was generally agreed that either candidate would make a good EDA Board member.  Other EDA Board members include:  Mark Sandbo (Chair), Heidi Doo-Kirk (Cook County Commissioner), Hal Greenwood (Vice Chair), Don Davison, Bob Spry (City Council), Scott Harrison.

Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP)
Virginia Danfelt, CCLEP Director, and George Wilkes, CCLEP Member, gave the County Board a high-level overview of 2012 activities and 2013 plans.  Major projects in 2012 included:  Cook County Energy Plan (on-going), Residential Energy Efficiency Program, and the Cook County Family YMCA and Whole Foods Coop energy design support. Year 2013 includes on-going work on these projects as well as studying the viability of a Biomass District Heating Plant in Grand Marais.  For a complete list of CCLEP projects, check the CCLEP website!

Highway Department
The Board approved a Gravel Purchase Agreement between the County and Dean and Roxanne Berglund for the purchase of approximately 5000 cubic yards at a price of $1.50/cubic yard.

The Board authorized the purchase of several items including:  hotsy pressure washer, Ziegler CAT Diagnostic Equipment, Nuss MACK Diagnostic Equipment, Plate Compactor and Torque Multiplier.  The Board also approved the purchase of a Trimble R10 GNSS GPS for $60,428.19; this purchase was necessary to replace the GPS  that no longer functions due to FCC regulation changes regarding bandwidth effective Jan. 1, 2013.  And, the Board approved the purchase of a 2013 Service Truck from Towmaster for $132,184.07.  The current service truck is 25 years old and does not meet current safety requirements.  All of these capital requests are in the approved 2013 Equipment Bond Budget.

Assessor/Land Commissioner
Assessor Betty Schultz provided the Board with an updated priority list for the County/USFS Land Exchange.  This most recent priority list is recommended as a result of a meeting held Monday, January 28 between Betty Schultz, Bruce Martinson, David Betts, Russell Klegstad, Danna MacKenzie, Mitch Everson, and Sue Hakes.  Martinson, Hakes, Schultz, Betts and Klegstad will meet again with the USFS on Monday, February 4.   In addition to prioritization, the County will work to combine parcels to minimize appraisal costs and and identify legal/physical access options to each property.  The County and the USFS will also consider public input in decision-making.

The County Board scheduled the 2013 Board of Equalization Meeting for 6:00 pm on Tuesday, June 11 in the Commissioner's Room.

The Board approved the purchase of (2) scanners to be used in the Recorder's Office and the Office of Planning & Zoning.

Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers walked the Board through the 4th Quarter 2012 Budget Review including the cash balances in funds with resrves.

The Board authorized a change order as requested by Cook County-Grand Marais Airport Manager Rod Roy in the amount of $10,085.11 for additional milling and electrical cables.  This project is funded by the FAA and State Bonding.

The Board authorized the purchase of one new Commissioners Record Book.  Counties are required to maintain one hard copy of the county board minutes for informational, auditing and historical purposes.

Community Center Director Diane Booth
The Board approved an amendment to the Curling Club lease agreement for 2012-2013.

Diane Booth informed the County Board that the Cook County Amateur Hockey Association is entering into an agreement for two garage packages to be built in the Spring of 2013 on Community Center grounds.  The Hockey Association has agreed to spend $28,000 for these buildings to be erected.  The County has authorized $50,000 of One Percent Funding to finish these buildings with insulation, wiring, etc.  ORB Management will oversee the project; the County will own the buildings.

MN Data Practices Request
The County Board designated Braidy Powers and Janet Simonen as the authorized representatives to work with the County Board's Attorney Dyan Ebert to respond to a request for information under the MN Government  Data Practices Act regarding County Attorney Tim Scannell.

YMCA Construction Project
Wade Cole and Mark Kragenbring of ORB Management came before the County Board to discuss the bids for Bid Package 3 (Precast Concrete and Stainless Steel) and Bid Package 4 (Construction of the Building and Outdoor Amenities).  Bids for the project came in $1.966M over the $9.5M budget.

Corrective action is underway.  The Steering Committee met with ORB Management and JLG Architects all day last Friday, January 25, to get the project within the budget.  Most likely the solution will come from a combination of scope reduction and value engineering (VE).

Approximately $1.914M in potential scope/VE reductions were identified at the 1/25 meeting, but no final decisions for recommendations were made by the Steering Committee.  It is likely, however, that a) the depth of the pool will be reduced from 12' to 9' eliminating the possibility of a diving board, b) the gymnasium will not be expanded to provided full court indoor tennis, and c) the size of the building will be reduced by ~3500 square feet.

The County Board discussed the need to adhere to the guiding principles of the project to build a sound, high-performing building, built to last.  And, if necessary, the painful decisions of reducing the scope further will be made.  Hakes specifically asked for board direction in this matter.

The Steering Committee and ORB Management will meet again tomorrow, January 30, at 8:00 am.

County Soil Survey Update
The County Board was updated by Tim Nelson and David Demmer on the Soil Survey currently underway in Cook County.  Four basic areas are being surveyed:  USFS, BWCAW, Grand Portage Reservation, Non-federal land outside FS gross boundary.

Meeting Minutes
A complete copy of meeting minutes will be made available on the Cook County Website or by calling Janet Simonen at 387-3602.  A video of today's meeting will also be made available on Boreal.TV.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 22 Human Services and County Board Meetings: Adult and Child Support Services, USFS Land Exchange, YMCA Construction Project Bids

Cook County Human Services Board
Chairperson Sue Hakes, along with Human Services Board Members Heidi Doo-Kirk, Garry Gamble, Jerry Lilja and Bruce Martinson were present for this first 2013 Meeting of the Cook County Human Services Board.  Absent were Carla LaPointe (illness) and Jan Hall.

Election of 2013 Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
Sue Hakes and Jerry Lilja were elected respectively as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Cook County Human Services Board.  Commissioner Hakes expressed her appreciation and joy at being re-elected to this position.

Committee Reports
Detailed reports were provided by Garry Gamble, Jerry Lilja and Bruce Martinson on the Arrowhead Regional Corrections Board, Public Health & Human Services Advisory Committee, and Health Care Planning Committee respectively.

Staff Report - Barb Rasmussen, General Adult Services
Social Worker, Barbara Rasmussen, reported on services she provides under Adult Services General.  The target population for Adult Services General is residents of Cook County age 18 and over.  Approximately 25% of Rasmussen's social service clients do not fit the strict eligibility criteria such as persons with mental illness, chemical dependency, a vulnerable adult, persons eligible for home-community based services, or managed client care, but may be served under Adult Services General.

Clients come to Rasmussen for services at a time of crisis such as loss of housing, health changes or extreme poverty and are often referred from financial workers within PHHS.  They are often eligible for financial assistance or other community services but are unaware of services available or are unable to complete the necessary paperwork.  Rasmussen helps her clients get the services they need; with many of these client becoming adult mental health and community based cases.

Rasmussen is modest about the critical services she provides with so much care and attention.

Financial Report - Jan Parish, Income Maintenance and Fiscal Supervisor
Jan Parish gave the monthly Financial Report for PHHS noting that all cash balances are in at 100% and the fund balance is at $827,152.  Parish also explained how costly the recent staff turnovers can be due to training needs, benefit payouts, and overtime by other staff.

Director's Report - Sue Futterer
Public Health and Human Services Director Sue Futterer reported that Wendy Danielson is providing temporary Child Support Services to Cook County on weekends.  Danielson recently resigned from Cook County and has accepted a position to work at another County.  This open Child Support Office position is being advertised, but final determination about how these services will be provided is yet to be determined.

Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Vice Chairperson Bruce Martinson called the meeting to order in the absence of Chair Jan Hall.  Also in attendance were Commissioners Heidi Doo-Kirk, Garry Gamble, Sue Hakes, Bruce Martinson and Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers and Personnel Director/Board Secretary Janet Simonen.

Public Comment
No member of the public opted to come before the County Board.

Nancy Larson, US Forest Service Gunflint District Ranger
USFS District Ranger Nancy Larson came before the County Board to introduce herself and answer any questions the County Board might have regarding the USFS.  Commissioner Hakes  inquired about the status of the Tilbury (South Fowl) snowmobile trail and Commissioner Martinson inquired about the need for better maps in the Travel Management Plan.  It was acknowledged that the County and the USFS are in the process of a Land Exchange.

Office of Planning and Zoning
OPZ Director Tim Nelson and Assistant Planning and Zoning Administrator David Demmer provided the Board with information and answered questions about the Wetland Management Plan to be developed and Committee to be named.  It is anticipated that it will take approximately one year to develop a Wetland Management Plan for Cook County with the first meeting scheduled for February 12, 2013.  Each Commissioner has been asked to appoint a representative from their district to serve on the committee.

The Board approved multiple Conditional Use Permits (CUP) for gravel extraction as presented by Planning and Zoning Administrator Bill Lane.  Ten unchanged permits were reviewed by OPZ, the review was accepted by the Board.  The Board also approved two Conditional User Permit amendments:  1)  Cook County Highway Department CUP was amended to allow the expansion of  an area open to mining and the establishment of a hot mix asphalt plant in the Ball Club Lake Road gravel pit, and 2) Dean and Roxann Berglund's CUP was amended allowing gravel crushing and processing in a gravel pit adjacent to the Gunflint Trail.

Betty Schultz, Assessor/Land Commissioner
Betty Schultz reported on the January 18th Meeting held between the USFS and Cook County regarding the pending USFS/Cook County land exchange; attendees were Nancy Larson, Randee Olson, Patti DeShaw, John Olson, Sue Hakes, Bruce Martinson, Russell Klegstad, David Betts, Betty Schultz and Susan Waller (via telephone).  Discussion at this meeting included an explanation of the Appraisal Process, the importance of a County priority land exchange list, and parcel groupings.  A meeting of County personnel is scheduled to discuss the prioritization of parcels to be presented at the County Board Meeting on January 29, 2013.

Schultz made a request for the addition of a Clerk position in the Assessor's Office.  Schultz is concerned about the Assessor's Office not having adequate staff to meet the Department of Revenue (DOR) requirements for each County to inspect 20% of its parcels annually.  Schultz reported that the DOR's quintile requirement has not been fully met for a number of years, largely due to the Assessor's Office workload and the DOR has asked for a 5-year plan to rectify this. The County Board discussed this request at length; no decision was made.

Brian Silence, Maintenance Director
The Board authorized Brian Silence to seek bids to add 2 new vehicles to the County fleet.  Current balance in the car fund is $108,000.

Cook County Family YMCA Project Update
Commissioner Hakes reported that contractor bids for Bid Package 4 on the Cook County Family YMCA project were received on January 17.  Hakes is extremely disappointed that the bids came in significantly over the projections made by ORB Management. Because the work in Bid Package 4 was divided between a base bid and several alternates, it was difficult to determine the exact delta between the bids and the budget.  But it has since been determined to be approximately 20% higher  ($1.9M) than the overall budget of $9.5M.

A plan for the corrective action required to bring the project to within the $9.5M budget is being developed.  This plan will include a combination of a reduction in scope and value engineering reductions. ORB Management and JLG Architects are acutely aware of the need to bring this project to within budget and have been directed to present realistic options for the Steering Committee to consider at its meeting Friday, January 24.

Meeting Minutes
A copy of the meeting minutes are available upon request by contacting Janet Simonen at 218-387-3602 or by emailing janet.simonen@co.cook.mn.us.  The approved meeting minutes will also be posted on the Cook County website.  A video of this meeting is available by going to Boreal.TV.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jim Johnson

Commissioner Jim Johnson died this morning.

Jim was the epitome of "nice guy" and a friend to so many.  I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from his wisdom and from the example he set.

Here is a copy of Jim's last newsletter to his constituents.  It tells a lot about the good man he was.

Rest in peace, Jim.  I'm gonna miss you a ton.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15, 2013 County Board Meeting: Committee Assignments, Capital Expenditures, MCIT Attorney

Board Chair Jan Hall, along with Commissioners Heidi Doo-Kirk, Garry Gamble, Sue Hakes and Bruce Martinson were all present for today's County Board Meeting.  Also present was Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers and Personnel Director/Board Secretary Janet Simonen.

Public Comment
No member of the Public opted to come before the County Board.

Mark Falk, County Sheriff
The Board approved a request from Sheriff Falk to approve the Cook County PSAP Grant.  This grant will reimburse Cook County for making the improvements necessary for migration from the existing 911 System to the Next Generation 911 System.  Law Enforcement and Danna MacKenzie, IT Director, are working now to make these improvements.

Tim Nelson,  Office of Planning and Zoning (OPZ) Director
As recommended by Tim Nelson, the County Board passed a motion authorizing members of the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, and Board of Commissioners to attend the regional land use legal workshop in Carlton County on February 8.  The motion also authorized payment registration fees and mileage reimbursement as budgeted within the OPZ.

The Board authorized the purchase of an Excel EX-63 Horizontal Baler at a cost of $55,329 including freight, installation, training, and $15,000 trade-in value of the old baler.  Funds for this purchase are in the 2013 Recycling Center capital purchases budget.

David Betts, County Highway Engineer
The Board approved a special event permit for the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon on Sunday, January 27, 2013.  A route map and description was included in the application given to the Highway Department.  The County will be named as an additional insured on the liability insurance.  Race sponsors agree to pay all costs associated with traffic control, including personnel expenses.  Later in the meeting, the Board gave permission to the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon to cross property owned by Cook County during the period of January 27 through January 20, 2013.

The County Board approved the purchase of (2) Mack GU713 tandem axle dump trucks at a cost of $230,871.73 each.  The Board also approved the purchase of a 2013 GMC Crew Cab Pickup at a cost of $34,255.72.  All (3) vehicles approved for purchases were budgeted to be paid from the Equipment Bond.

The Board authorized the Highway Department to advertise for snowplowing bids on behalf of the Irish Creek Subordinate Service District.  Bids are due at 2:00 pm on February 13, 2013.  The Board also discussed the negative feedback received from the Public (after the Public Hearing) regarding the Board's decision to approve the Irish Creek Subordinate Service District.  In response to this, the Board scheduled a Public Hearing for June 25, 2013 at 10:30 am to consider withdrawing the Irish Creek Subordinate Service District.

Dusty Nelms, County Recorder
The Board approved a new Minnesota Counties Information Systems Joint and Cooperative Agreement as presented by Recorder Dusty Nelms.  Nelms reported this document has been reviewed by County Attorney Tim Scannell and found to be acceptable.

Braidy Powers, Auditor-Treasurer
Several actions were taken at the request of Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers:
a) The Board approved the permit for lawful gambling activity as submitted by the Cook County Snowmobile Club for their annual "Fun Run" to be held on February 2 and the Landing at Devi Track.
b) A donation of $500 from North House Folk School to the Cook County GO Team for the development of a strategic economic plan was accepted by the County Board.
c) Powers distributed a copy of the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy as part of the closing of the bond sale for sales tax and equipment bonds last November.  This information was for Board awareness with no action required.
d) The Board approved an IRRRB grant received for $103,000 to help defray some of the costs for the new YMCA construction project.  Community Center/Extension Director Diane Booth wrote the successful grant; her work and diligence was noted by Commissioner Hakes.
e)  The Board passed a resolution appointing Dr. Sandy Stover as the Cook County Coroner..
f)  Commissioners Hall and Gamble exchanged their liaison responsibilities with Hall as the liaison to the Assessor's Office and Gamble the liaison to the Recorder's Office.

Appointments to Boards and Commissions
Janet Simonen distributed the list of Board and Commission assignments as determined at last week's County Board Organizational Meeting.  This information will be posted on the County website.

One Percent Projects
Commissioner Hakes reported on the construction progress of the Cook County Family YMCA; weekly reports are posted on the Cook County website.  The last of the "noisy" work of blasting, jack hammering and hoe ramming should be complete after this coming weekend.  Bids for the majority of the construction effort are due January 17.

Land Exchanges
County Assessor Betty Schulz asked the County Board if they wish to re-prioritize the land parcels being exchanged with the USFS.  The Board determined they are not likely to make any changes until the appraisal is complete.

Commissioners Hakes and Martinson, Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers, and Assessor Betty Schulz attended a meeting in St. Louis County called by Senator Al Franken.  Senator Franken was doing his due diligence in understanding the issues of St. Louis, Lake and Cook Counties with respect to the potential MN School Trust Land exchange.

Dyan Ebert, MCIT Attorney
Attorney Dyan Ebert of Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust (MCIT) met with the County Board in an open session.  This session was originally posted as a closed session in the event that the Board would be discussing non-public data or engaging in an attorney/client privileged discussion.  However, Ebert explained that non-public data would not be discussed at this meeting and that attorney/client privilege did not apply at this time.

Ebert has been retained by the County Board to assist them in properly addressing and responding to allegations made against the elected Cook County Attorney.  Ebert advised the County Board to let the process play out and to not take any unnecessary or inappropriate action.  She said it is important to wait until the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) investigation is complete.

Meeting Minutes
A copy of the complete minutes from this meeting will be made available on the Cook County Website once they are typed and approved.  You may also obtain a copy by calling Janet Simonen at 218/387-3602.  A video of this entire meeting is available for viewing on Boreal.TV.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Special Meeting of the County Board

A Special Meeting of the County Board was held; this first meeting of the year is often thought of as the County Board Organizational Meeting.  Board Chair Jan Hall called the meeting to order.  Also present were Commissioners Hakes and Martinson, newly elected Commissioners Doo-Kirk and Gamble, Personnel Director/Board Secretary Janet Simonen and Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers.

The Board of Commissioners was honored by a local Girl Scout Troop when the Scouts presented the colors for the Pledge of Allegiance and for the Oath of Office recitals.  It is my understanding that Commissioner Doo-Kirk is one of the Leaders for these Scouts.  And, Board Chair Jan Hall is the proud grandmother of one of the color-bearing Scouts. The Girl Scout presentation of the colors made this first meeting of 2013 very special.

Oath of Office
Newly elected County Commissioners Heidi Doo-Kirk and Garry Gamble recited the Oath of Office as administered by Kim Shepard of Court Administration.  Betty Schulz, also took the Oath of Office for her new position of County Assessor.

Jan Hall was re-elected to the position of Board Chair; Bruce Martinson was re-elected to the position of Vice Chair.

Public Comment
No member of the public opted to come before the County Board.

Miscellaneous Organizational Actions
-  The Cook County News Herald was designated as the Legal Newspaper for 2013.
-  The County Website was named an official publication for 2013.
-  Security State Bank of Aitkin was designated as the Cook County bank depository for 2013.
-  Travel and Mileage Reimbursements were set for 2013.
-  Dave Betts was designated the 2013 County Agriculture Inspector.

Citizen Appointments to Board, Committees, and Commissions
The County Board made several citizen appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions.  A complete list of these appointments and the respective organizations will be made available as soon as it is compiled by calling Janet Simonen at 387-3602.

County Commissioner Appointments to Board, Committees, and Commissions
The County Board negotiated and agreed upon Commissioner appointmentes to Boards, Committees and Commissions.  A complete list of these appointments and the respective organization will be made avaiable as soon as it is compiled by calling Janet Simonen at 387-3602.

Commissioner Hakes expressed concern over the redundancy and added expense created by having more than one County Commissioner serve on the same board, committee, or commission and requested the Board address this issue immediately.  Hakes recommended the Board assign a single Commissioner except in the rare circumstance when more than one is necessary.  The Board was mixed on this issue and agreed to review it again.  

Commissioner Hakes will be serving on the following:  Communications/E-911 Committee, Arrowhead Counties Association, Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency, Arrowhead Health Alliance, Arrowhead Regional Development Commission, Arrowhead Transit, Association of MN Counties, AMC Futures Advance Leadership Academy, AMC Safety Policy Committee, Broadband Commission, Children's Justice Initiative/State Supreme Court, Cook County Family YMCA Steering Committee, Cook County Family YMCA Owners Meeting, Community Center Board of Trustees (alternate), Cleveland Cliffs Annual Meeting (alternate), Cook County Health Care Planning Committee (alternate), Heart of the Continent Partnership, Human Services Board, Law Library Board, Local Water Management Advisory Committee (alternate), North Shore Collaborative (Chair), NE Minnesota HOME Consortium, NE MN Office of Job Training Program (alternate), NE MN Regional Radio Board, Western Lake Superior Sanitary District, Northern Counties Land Use Coordinating Board (alternate), One Percent Coordination Committee, Public Health and Human Services Advisory Committee, Region III Social Service Redesign, Solid Waste Committee, Courthouse Security Committee

The County Board also determined the Department Liasons:

Heidi Doo-Kirk:  County Attorney Office, Court Administration, Law Enforcement
Garry Gamble:  Extension, Community Center, Assessor/Land Management
Sue Hakes:  Public Health & Human Services, Information Systems Management, Security
Jan Hall:  Personnel Office, Office of Planning & Zoning, Recorder, Security
Bruce Martinson:  Auditor/Treasurer Office, Maintenance, Highway Department

WTIP Interviews
Commissioners Doo-Kirk, Gamble, Hakes and Martinson will rotate being interviewed on WTIP the Wednesday following each regularly scheduled County Board Meeting.

Gitchigami Express Sled Dog Race
The Board approved (after the fact) a Special Event Permit for the Gitchigami Express Sled Dog Race as recommended by Highway Engineer David Betts.

Cook County/US Forest Service Land Exchange Update
Assessor Betty Schultz provided the Board with an update on the land exchange between the County and the US Forest Service.

Child Support Officer Resignation
The County Board accepted the resignation of Child Support Officer Wendy Danielson with regret.  Danielson will continue to work 8-10 hours/week for 6-8 weeks until she can be replaced.  Best wishes to Wendy!

One Percent Projects
ORB Management Owners, Tom Wacholz and Kim Barse, sent a written thank you to outgoing Commissioners Jim Johnson and Fritz Sobanja, and the rest of the County Board and Staff for working closely with ORB on the Cook County Family YMCA Project.  Wacholz and Barse also congratulated Commissioners Doo-Kirk and Gamble on their elections.

Commissioner Sue Hakes reminded the Board that the notes from the Cook County Family YMCA weekly construction meeting will be included in the Board packets and posted on the County website.

County Board Meetings and Agenda Topics
In an effort to meet last year's request of the Highway Department to improve communications and understand the work of the Highway Department through Work Sessions, the Board decided to meet with Highway Engineer David Betts and Superintendent Russell Klegstad on a quarterly basis for ~1 hour at 8:30 am just prior to the regularly scheduled Board Meeting the 2nd Tuesday of every 3rd month.  Janet Simonen will schedule these meetings.

The County Board will meet with Dyan Ebert on Tuesday, January 15, to discuss non-public data. Ms. Ebert is an attorney that was recommended by the MN Counties Intergovernmental Trust (MCIT) and assists counties with various specialized civil issues.  Non-public data can include:  active criminal investigative data, data that identifies alleged victims or reporters of criminal sexual conduct, health and mental health data.

Meeting Minutes
A copy of the official meeting minutes for this meeting will be made available and a copy may be obtained by calling Janet Simonen at 218 387 3602 or by going to the Cook County Website.  A video of the entire meeting may be viewed on Boreal.TV