Board Chair Jan Hall, along with Commissiners Sue Hakes, Bruce Martinson and Fritz Sobanja were all present at today's County Board of Commissioner's Meeting. Also present were Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers and Personnel Director/Board Secretary Janet Simonen.
Public Comment
No member of the public opted to come before the County Board.
Office of Planning & Zoning (OPZ)
The County Board authorized the purchase of (1) Bell Can Separator, (1) Miller Glass Breaker, and (1) Green Mobile Recycling Trailer for a total of $36,318. These items are in the 2012 and 2013 OPZ Budget.
Information Systems
The County Board authorized the purchase of (9) desktop PCs, (3) laptop/mobiles, and (3) monitors for a total of $10,200 as part of the County's annual PC maintenance schedule. Machines being replaced are 5 years old and will be repositioned to lower-level tasks within the county network.
Veteran Services
The Board approved a County Veteran Services Office grant in the amount of $2,298 for the transportation of veterans needing access to medical facilities.
Election Judges
Six election judges were appointed by the Board as recommended by Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers. Each of them is an eligible Cook County voter and has completed certification training.
Construction Change Order
A change order in the amount of $13,602 was authorized to be paid to Crawford Excavating for a) additional jack hammering and removal of ledge rock at the hockey rink, and b) removal of unsuitable material and hauling in clean material. It was noted that changes such as this are paid for from the construction reserve account.
Secure Rural Schools Funding
Secure Rural Schools Funding was reauthorized for FY 2012, for one year. Braidy Powers reported that instead of receiving 95% of the funding amount received in 2011, Cook County will be receiving only 72% of that amount. This results in a reduction from an anticipated $602,000 to $435,000. 43% of this funding is allocated to the Highway Department.
Legal Documents for the Cook County Family YMCA
The County Board reviewed several documents that are being finalized for the Cook County Family YMCA project. Attorney Baiers Heeren, Swanson and Heeren Law Firm, has been working on behalf of the County and was present to answer questions.
The Purchase Agreement between the County and ISD166 has been reviewed by the attorneys representing both the County and ISD166. After a final review by the County Board, a motion was passed to approve the Purchase Agreement and authorize it be signed by Board Chair Janice Hall and Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers.
Heeren also presented the most current draft of the the Joint Powers Agreement between Cook County and the City of Grand Marais for sharing costs of the Cook County Family YMCA. The City Council will be reviewing this document at its City Council Meeting on October 31.
Security Training
Janet Simonen reported that the Courthouse Security and Safety Committees are working to schedule a lock down drill at the Courthouse. It is likely that the Courthouse will be closed for this event to allow an exercise to practice sweep the building and debriefing. Janet Simonen will advise the plan and the date.