Tuesday, May 8, 2012

County Board Meeting for May 8, 2012

Board Chair Jan Hall and Commissioners Hakes, Johnson, Martinson and Sobanja were all present for today's County Board Meeting.  Also present for all or part of the meeting were Janet Simonen, Braidy Powers, and Tim Scannell.

Public Comment
No member of the public opted to address the County Board.

Highway Department
At the request of David Betts, County Engineer, the Board authorized allowing Ulland Brothers to crush approximately 4000 cubic yards of bituminous aggregate in the Airport Pit for $1.50/cubic yard.

The Board authorized two capital purchases:  1) Miller Tig Welder for $9098 and 2) Hollow Ram Piston Cylinder for $1095.  Both purchases were under budget and planned for in 2012.

With regrets and appreciation for her dedicated service, the Board accept the resignation of Anne Zellner.  The Board also approved the staffing proposal made to fill the position both temporarily and permanently.

Office of Planning & Zoning (OPZ)
Tim Nelson, Director of OPZ, shared that Governor Dayton signed the Environment Omnibus Bill. Of particular benefit to Cook County is the Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) language which will allow counties flexibility and options that they can tailor to their local areas when adopting new SSTS ordinances.  Nelson and staff will redraft previous SSTS language for potential County Board adoption in the Fall of 2012.

Fire Department Loans
The Board authorized a zero interest loan to the Colvill Fire Department in the amount of $67,500 for 15 years.  Colvill Fire Department Assistant Chief and Board Chair, Paul McFarlane, explained how C.F.D. will be able to repay this loan without increasing their levy.   This money will be used for a 24' x 42' building addition on the west side of the existing fire hall, well and septic system.

The Board authorized a 1% interest loan to the Lutsen Fire Department in the amount of $350,000 for 20 years.  Lutsen Fire Chief Paul Goettl explained the L.F.D. will be able to make its payments by using their annual $10,000 building fund monies and by the relief they will have in 2015 when their truck loan     payment ends.

Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers said the County's cash balances are able to absorb these loans.

Birch Grove Foundation
A permit application for the Birch Grove Foundation to conduct BINGO on July 4th at the Tofte Town Park was approved.

Cook County Purchasing Policy
As recommended by Braidy Powers and requested by Tim Scannell, a change was made the Cook County Purchasing Policy.  This change excludes the County Attorney and County Sheriff from getting prior approval for Forfeitures.

Travel Documentation Policy
Braidy Powers led a discussion to clarify the recently revised Travel Documentation Policy which states, "Every travel voucher shall be accompanied by documentation of the event including the purpose, time, date and location of the event.  If the event does not have an agenda, a copy of the email, letter or other written communication that addresses or captures the required information is acceptable."

Redesign Collaboration
The Board passed a resolution authorizing Cook County Public Health & Human Services to join with six other counties in Region 3 in exploring options for collaboration and sharing resources in the Child Support Program area.

Cook County Lockdown Procedure 
As a member of the Safety Committee, Janet Simonen presented the proposed Lockdown Procedure to the Board.  This procedure will be reviewed in further detail at a future Board meeting.

One Percent Project Updates
The Community Center Steering Committee met May 7 to develop an overall concept for the programming and building design of attaching the Community Center to the I.S.D.166 School Building.  Commissioners Hakes, Martinson and Sobanja were in attendance at the May 7 meeting.  Tom Wacholz, ORB Management, will present the preliminary concept and budget to the County Board at their May 15 Board Meeting.

The bids for the Birch Grove Community Center came in over budget.  The Birch Grove team is working to bring the project to within budget, but may be requesting an increase in funds.

The County Board will be getting a tour of the Superior National Golf Course next Tuesday, May 15.

The Board held a Closed Session to discuss potential litigation with Burbach Aquatics.

After the Closed Session the meeting was reopened to the Public and the Board passed two motions.  The first motion stated the County Board's need for City participation in the Community Center project to offset future Operating & Maintenance costs.  The second motion stated the County Board's support of the City of Grand Marais' Declaratory Judgement Action against Burbach Aquatics by negotiating the offset of future Operating & Maintenance costs of the Cook County Community Center.

Meeting Minutes
A copy of the May 8 County Board meeting minutes will be made available on the Cook County website after they are written and approved.   Alternatively, you may obtain a copy by calling Janet Simonen at 387-3602.  This meeting is also available for viewing at boreal.tv.