Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Human Services Board & County Board Meetings for April 17, 2012

Human Services Board Chair Sue Hakes, along with Board members Jim Johnson, Jerry Lilja, Carla LaPointe, Bruce Martinson, Fritz Sobanja were all present for today's Human Services Board meeting.  Jan Hall was absent.

Hakes called the meeting to order and the Agenda and Meeting Minutes for March 20, 2012 were approved.

Committee Reports
Sue Futterer and Sue Hakes were happy to report that Arrowhead Health Alliance was awarded a second Universal Home Visiting Grant, a federal program to serve pregnant or postpartum women.

Fritz Sobanja gave an overview of the Arrowhead Regional Corrections retreat that included short and long term strategic planning, as well as budget discussions.

Jim Johnson noted (2) upcoming trainings for the public:  "End of Life Ethics" on April 19 from 1-4 pm and "Pain in Palliative Care" on May 4 from 3-4:30.

Wilderness Outpatient Treatment Program
Greg Barnier, LADC (Licensed Alcohol & Drug Counselor), and Lori Hommerding, ADC (Alcohol & Drug Counselor) gave an informative overview of the Wilderness Outpatient Treatment Program services delivered by Cook County.  Clients are referred to this program many ways including through family, friends, probation, the clinic and the hospital.  Private insurance is billed for these services whenever possible.

Barnier and Hommerding talked about trends in alcohol and drug use noting that an overwhelming percentage of their clients have problems with alcohol, although they may also use other drugs such as marijuana, IV meth, or prescription drugs.

The Human Services Board was very interested in this work and asked a lot of questions which Barnier and Hommerding answered clearly and patiently.  The Board expressed their appreciation for this program and also acknowledged the importance of this work as alcohol and drug addictions negatively impact all aspects of one's life.

March Financial Report
Jan Parish gave her monthly financial report for PHHS noting that their fund balance is down approximately $45K which is typical for this time of year.  This reduction in the fund balance was predicted at the end of 2011 and is not a surprise.

Director's Report
Director Sue Futterer reported on several areas:
a.  The Region 3 Income Maintenance Electronic Document Management project is moving forward about as expected with the Carlton Pilot site anticipated this Fall and all participating counties going live in early 2013.
b.  April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Anna Sandstrom helped to raise awareness of this by handing out blue ribbons.  Sandstrom also created the "Cook County Social Host Ordinance" brochure designed by the School Community Action Team (SCAT) and presented to the Board by Sue Futterer.  The Social Host Ordinance holds individuals (social hosts) criminally responsible for hosting or permitting an event or gathering on private or public property where persons under 21 years of age possess or consume alcohol, regardless of who supplied the alcohol.
c.  County Health Rankings have been compiled to be used along with other data for long range PHHS planning.  This is the first year Cook County has been ranked with other MN Counties.
d.  Futterer reported that an audit for Blue Plus Care Coordination will be conducted on May 9, 2012.  Last year's audit went well with one finding corrected.
e.  Futterer presented her Alternate Worksite Quarterly Report; there were no issues.

County Board Chair Jan Hall was absent so the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Bruce Martinson.  Also present were Commissioners Hakes, Johnson and Sobanja, Personnel Director Janet Simonen and County Auditor Braidy Powers.

Public Comment
Sam Parker, on behalf of the Citizens for Cook County Committee (Rick Austin, Garry Gamble, Evelyn Larsen, Judy Motschenbacher, Sam & Diane Parker, Lloyd Speck) submitted a letter to the County Board urging the Board to be wise stewards of the 1% funds and to conduct a survey regarding the Community Center project.

Recycling Center
The Board approved a request to purchase a new vertical bailer to replace the old bailer, which is no longer reliable.  This $11,794 purchase will be made in lieu of replacing the larger horizontal bailer at ~$57,000 to stay within the capital purchases budget for 2012.

Highway Department
The Board approved a Special Event Permit for the Ham Run Half Marathon scheduled for May 6.

The Board gave authorization to advertise for summer road maintenance on behalf of the Evergreen Road Association, Voyageur's Point Association, Mile-O-Pine Association and West Rosebush Lane Association.

The Board authorized awarding (2) road construction projects to the low bidder:  1) CSAH 5 Reconstruction will be awarded for $662, 222.25 to Ulland Brothers pending finalization of a cost-sharing agreement with Lutsen Mountains Corporation, and 2) CSAH 8 Devil Track Phase II will be awarded for $1,206,450 to Ulland Brothers.

ATV Club
A gambling permit authorizing the Cook County ATV Club to hold raffles on June 16th and also August 2-5 was approved.

Law Enforcement
The County Board, on the recommendation of Sheriff Falk and IT Director Danna MacKenzie, authorized the replacement of the current 9-1-1 system.  The current system was installed in 1999; support services for this system will be discontinued within the next year.  The new system will ensure Law Enforcement's ability to provide 9-1-1- service to citizens.  The cost of $199,027 includes a 5-year support services contract and will be paid for from the 9-1-1 fund specifically for this purpose.

The County Board approved the Cooperative Law Enforcement Annual Operating Plan and Financial Plan between the Sheriff's Office and the US Forest Service Superior National Forest.  $11,500 will be reimbursed by the USFS to the Sheriff's department for law enforcement patrol functions on the Superior National Forest.

Courthouse Security
The Board approved a $5,000 contract with CJES, Steve Swenson, to perform a Security Assessment for the Courthouse.  The Board also requested that Sheriff Falk and County Attorney Tim Scannell solicit a proposal from CJES for assessing the Highway Department, Community Center, Recycle Center outlining any specific benefits (price reduction) that could be offered to ISD166 and the Clinic/Hospital/Care Center.

The Board authorized Brian Silence to secure a written bid and begin work on the office relocation for Guardian ad litem Wendy Hansen to Court Administration.

National Crime Victims' Rights Week
The Board supported Jeanne Smith's request to raise awareness for National Crime Victim's Rights Week (April 22-28, 2012) by hosting a display in the courthouse lobby.  This year's theme is, "Extending the Vision: Reaching Every Victim" which includes the message, "Find Your Voice".  Smith is the Crime Victim/Witness Coordinator for Cook County.

Park and Trail Legacy Funding in Greater Minnesota
Sue Hakes attended the MN Rural Counties Caucus this week where it was requested that rural counties support a resolution to eliminate a 25% local match requirement and $500,000 per project cap on non-metro Legacy funding.  Greater MN is not getting its fair share of this funding with 43% of the funding exclusive to metro parks, 43% exclusive to the DNR, leaving only 14% remaining for the 80 non-metro counties.  In addition, metro parks were allowed to compete for that remaining 14% and was awarded 20%.  The County Board will support this resolution once the suggested language is received from MRCC.

Boreal.TV is a pending 501c3 non-profit community information service providing access to video of local life and community events throughout Cook County through traditional television over local cable and online through http://boreal.TV.  Sue Hakes delivered a draft proposal on behalf of Boreal.TV for $6,000 to provide the necessary video equipment and videographer to record all regular and special Cook County Board meetings held at the Courthouse.  The Board received this proposal favorably and added it to the agenda for April 24 Board meeting.

A Worksession to discuss the Community Center was held and chaired by Vice-Chair Bruce Martinson in Jan Hall's absence.  Invited to the discussion with the County Board were Steering Committee Chair Paul Sporn, ORB President Tom Wacholz, Duluth YMCA CEO Chris Francis, School Superintendent Beth Schwarz, Auditor Braidy Powers, County Attorney Tim Scannell, and several members of Community Center Steering Committee.  At this worksession, the County Board passed a motion to authorize ORB to move forward with the community center design on the west wing of the school including, among other things, the cost to mitigate the building.  The Board also passed a motion authorizing County Attorney Tim Scannell to begin conversations with ISD166 and the YMCA regarding possible lease and operations negotiations.