Public Comment
No member of the public opted to address the County Board.
Highway Department
The County Board authorized David Betts, Highway Engineer, to advertise for sealed bids for (2) projects: 870.77 feet of CSAH 5 and 1.496 miles of CSAH 8.
Braidy Powers informed the Board that he has the necessary population information from the 2010 Census to propose changes to the districts in Cook County. Powers will likely recommend 1-2 options for Board consideration. Go to the Cook County Homepage for updates and information about the redistricting process.
Furniture Purchase for County Attorney's Office
The Board approved the purchase of a new computer desk for County Attorney Tim Scannell.
Cook County Community Center Board of Trustees
Bill Parish was unanimously approved for appointment to the Cook County Community Center Board of Trustees.
1% Project Updates
On Wednesday, March 14, from 8:30 to 10:30 am a meeting is scheduled between the ISD166 School Board, the Community Center Steering Committee, and the County Board to discuss the potential for attaching the proposed Community Center to ISD166. This option has the potential to aid the School with some much needed repairs/improvements to the offices and classrooms on the west end, and the Old Gymnasium. Close proximity to the School and outdoor recreation facilities also streamlines staffing requirements and enhances youth programming.
As a way to update the Board about the Arrowhead Electric Cooperative Broadband project, Hakes shared a copy of an article written by Joan Farnam in the March 2012 issue of North Shore Highway 61 publication, entitled "Broadband Construction Slowed".
Labor Negotiations
Labor negotiations for the Highway Department Local 49 are complete. Along with Personnel Director Janet Simonen, Board Chair Jan Hall and Commissioner Sue Hakes were on the negotiating team for the County.
Courthouse Birthday
Jim Johnson said the Cook County Historical Society has interest in celebrating the 100th birthday of the Cook County Courthouse. The Board agreed enthusiastially to support this effort.
PUBLIC HEARING to consider changes to the Cook County Fee Schedule
A Public Hearing was held at 10:00 AM regarding proposed changes to the Cook County Fee Schedule. In addition to some sight increases to some services provided in Public Health and Human Services, the following changes were also made:
Onsite Sewage System Compliance Inspection:
Current: $300
Changed: $300 first and $200 subsequent inspections
NEW Fee: Grading and Filling Permit: $75.00
NEW Fee: Small Site Stormwater: $75.00
A complete copy of the meeting minutes for March 13, 2012 may be requested by calling Janet Simonen at 387-3602 or by going to the Cook County Website at: